Mastering the Feel, Felt, Found Sales Closing Technique

In the world of sales, effective communication is key to influencing prospects and closing deals.

The “Feel, Felt, Found” sales technique is a powerful method that allows you to empathize with your prospects, address their concerns, and ultimately guide them towards a positive decision.

In this blog post, we will explore the Feel, Felt, Found technique and how you can leverage it to enhance your sales conversations and drive results.

people discussing topic

“The most powerful weapon in your sales arsenal is your authenticity.” – Jeb Blount

Understanding the Feel, Felt, Found Technique:


The Feel, Felt, Found technique is built on the principles of empathy and understanding.

It involves three simple steps:


1. Feel: Acknowledge and Validate the Prospect’s Concerns


When a prospect raises an objection or expresses a concern, it’s crucial to show empathy and let them know that you understand how they feel. This step helps create a connection and builds trust.


2. Felt: Share a Personal or Relatable Experience


Once you have acknowledged their concern, share a personal or relatable experience that you or someone else has encountered in the past. This experience should be similar to what the prospect is currently going through. By doing so, you demonstrate that others have felt the same way, making the prospect feel understood and less alone.


3. Found: Present a Solution and Highlight Positive Outcomes


After relating to the prospect’s feelings with a story or experience, it’s time to present a solution.

Share how you or others in said story have solved the issue in the story (that is similar to the prospect’s issue) by solving it with a product or solution like yours.

This step reassures the prospect that there is a way to address their issue and achieve favorable results.


You’ve discovered the power of the Feel, Felt, Found sales technique—a method that allows you to connect with prospects on a deeper level and address their concerns effectively.

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Remember, by utilizing the Feel, Felt, Found technique and leveraging the power of, you’ll be equipped with the tools to build strong customer relationships, overcome objections, and achieve outstanding sales outcomes.

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“Your ability to persuade and influence others determines your effectiveness as a salesperson.” – Unknown

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