The psychology of asking for big money

You would think that asking for a bigger payment for a service or product is just as easy as asking.

And while you are right, you DO have to ask for money in order to close a deal.

The truth is that with high ticket items it doesnt always happen immediately…

Let me explain.

The Psychology of Big Money


  1. Number of times interacted
    Its weird. But when I first call a prospect, the most commitment I can get most of the times is a commitment for something small, something quick, easy and cheap.
    At the same time, when its my second time or third time call with a prospect, asking commitment for more expensive items is so much easier. Dont believe it? Try it!

  2. Need or Want
    No matter how good your product or service is. If the prospect doesnt see that it is valuble for him, that he needs it or wants it, he wont purchase. When selling more expensive products, remember to find the customer’s needs and wants and align those with your product.

  3. Rapport
    If you are still a stranger to the prospect, he will not be willing to commit a huge amount towards your intentions. Therefore it is vital to get to know the prospect, but also get the prospect to like you and consider you familiar. After all, we are much more likely to buy from friends than strangers.


While there are more factors that can influence the decision making of a prospect. These 3 points are vital when closing big ticket items. 

A technique for example to selling high ticket items is a consultative approach. Where you advice and try to help the prospect as much as you can. This will provide enough value, and rapport for the prospect to consider your product to be even more worth it.

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